I started avoiding public situations and became an even crazier hand washing Nazi then I am on a normal basis. I would even make my kids strip down and take a bath after returning from church or other very public settings. Yeah, I HATE the stomach flu!!!
I was so paranoid. I started realizing I was probably scarring my kids for life and giving them anxiety too….there had to be a better way.
I did a Google search on “preventing the stomach flu.” I found a post from Kristi over on i should be mopping the floor . I was skeptical that something so simple could really work, but we completely escaped the stomach flu that year and I attribute it to the 100% Grape Juice.
Kristi recommends drinking a glass a day all during the winter months and then upping it to two or three when you know you or someone in your family may have been exposed to the bug. Drinking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is supposed to have a bigger impact on prevention, but any time of day will still help.
She also suggests that adults put 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in theirs. We have never done that. Grape juice is really high in sugar so we just drink a glass a day when we know the stomach flu is going around or has infiltrated our circle of friends.
My son came home about a week and a half ago from school throwing up…ewwww!!! I ran to the store immediately to get a Gallon of 100% Grape Juice. I had never used the store brand before because Kristi swears by Welch’s, but they didn’t have the gallon size in Welch’s and the store brand was significantly cheaper.
I am happy to report that here we are, 10 days later, and no one else in our family has fallen victim to the dreaded stomach bug. There really is something magical about the acidity in the grape juice and those nasty little stomach bugs don’t like it.
When you purchase your miracle working grape juice make sure you get the pure stuff. 100% Grape Juice, don’t get light, or one that is mixed with any other flavor or enriched with anything. Just good ol’ 100% Grape Juice.
Both times I have used this prevention measure our family has been passed over….coincidence? I don’t think so!
I just had to pass this simple prevention measure on. I feel like it is something every mom needs to know and try!
**If a person is already infected with the bug, this will most likely not work and just cause some nasty purple stains on your carpet or furniture, so use discretion when administering this preventative measure.
Stay Healthy!!!
I will try the grape juice although I remember it is so very sweet. The Apple cider vinegar added might help cut down on that sweetness. Vinegar really helps because it naturally kills bacteria that makes you feel nauseous.
I really love this idea and will pass it on to my daughters. I believe anytime you can get natural apple cider vinegar into your belly the better and is just the ticket for a healthy gut. I love all your recipes and how easy your site is to locate old favorites. Thanks
Thank you Sue!
Oh my word, we are the same person. I am borderline honest to goodness phobic of the stomach flu. It always lands me in the ER, for whatever reason, my Dad, brother, myself and daughter lack the “off” switch when it comes to the stomach flu, dehydrate and need fluids and meds to stop. So I could literally be a shut in half the year to avoid it. We’ve been doing the grape juice thing all winter. I *hate* choking it down, but the burning in my stomach makes me think it must make for an inhospitable stomach! 🙂
lol, It is nice to know there are other’s who can relate to the sheer panic I feel when I see or hear one of my children throw up. We should form a support group. I totally forgot about the grape juice for awhile and had it personally back in November. It was the worst!!! I have vowed to never forget the Grape Juice Trick again, and it has already been worth it’s weight in gold this winter. 🙂
I am almost speechless. I ran across this on Pinterest quite by accident. But for YEARS my husband has claimed that Grape Juice helps him to recover from illness more quickly. I’ve always just smiled and nodded and haven’t taken him very seriously. He calls it “Magic Juice”. I’m fascinated to find someone else out there who swears by it! Wow!
Ha Ha! That is too funny! Isn’t it annoying when we have to admit our husbands may have been right about something. 🙂 I have to say I agree with him, I definitely feel like it is Magic Juice. 🙂
You mean I am not the only one who fears vomiting more than the Devil himself? So glad to hear this from others! I’ll add Grape juice to washing hands & sanitizing the house to my arsenal!!
We must be soul mates Karen! 🙂
I have emetaphobia ( fear of throwing up) so I know your pain ladies. I fear of having a child one day because I don’t think there is any way that I could do it! We should start a blog for support. There are many sites on the subject.
Love the idea of blog for support. 🙂
I was a emetaphobic. I got over it when I was pregnant. I just submitted to me controlling it, before IT controlled me. Preparation is half the battle. If you all go onto anxiety forums you’ll find you are far from alone in this.
I too have a fear of throwing up, I pass out if I start to throw up. Not fun! I started drinking grape juice the other morning. Later that night my son threw up. So far it’s been 2 days now and nothing for me. I am hoping it worked.
fingers crossed for you!
II totally understand sara,i am emetaphobic too have been all my life. I avoided having children for many years because of it but one day surprise! I was prego at 31. I obsess about it every day and dread hearing the 3 words “my tummy hurts” I instantly freak out inside. But when the moment finally comes that he does throw up mother instincts kick in and you just take care of it somehow. But then afterwards I worry about when it will happen again . It gives me such anxiety that I cannot enjoy parenthood and life like I should. It consumes me I wish there was a treatment for it but I haven’t found one yet.
I think you and I are the same person! I’ve had emetaphobia for as long as I can remember! Anything and everything about it gives me such severe anxiety. I have ocd and anxiety because of it, I’ve gotten help for it, but it never goes away! My family and I have been doing the grape juice for the past 3 weeks, and I had apple cider vinegar to mine!
Emetaphobians UNITE! 🙂
Same ?
My daughter is the exact same way and I never thought she would give me a grandchild for that reason- severe,paralyzing fear of vomiting….she accidentally got pregnant and had severe anxiety about it the first several months, she did have some nausea..but, did not throw up during her pregnancy, until labor/delivery- myself and the nurses helped her through it, she only vomited once and said- oh, that wasn’t so bad ..she was a true champ.
I’m running to the store first thing in the morning and getting grape juice! I’m almost 8 weeks pregnant and thought I just had a bad bout of morning sickness but now my boyfriend has it too! (And we know he isn’t preggers lol) Now I’m scrambling to find ways for my 4 yr old not to fall victim to it too!
So sorry to hear you and your boyfriend are sick. Hopefully this tip can help your four year old avoid getting it.
Oh my, I really thought I was alone in this. I fear the stomach bug more than anything. I always thought I was crazy. I never throw up (been 14 years) but I am deathly afraid of this nasty bugger. So happy I found this place! 🙂
Stomach Flu Hater’s UNITE!!! 🙂
I am the EXACT same way. 100% terrified. I leave my own kids if they are throwing up. Emetophobia runs my life. 😢
Oh my goodness I thought I was only crazy person regarding stomach flu. I even stay far away from my kids when they sick!! I almost pass out from holding my breath so long, lol.
I’ve heard of this before and somehow forgot it. I have stomach issues often and usually attribute it to something I ate. Definitely need to try this. Might even add the apple cider vinegar since I am so prone to issues. Thanks so much.
You are welcome Sheri, we have friends and neighbors who have been getting the stomach flu so we started taking our daily dose and so far so good.
Wow so nice to hear I not the only one with a huge phobia of throwing up. My husband says I need help lol. I can not express my dislike, scaryness and out of on tool it makes me feel. Not a huge fan of grape juice but my insane dislike for throwing up out ways the taste. Thanks ladies for not making me feels so crazy.
Out of control feeling sorry
i think that likely it has nothing to do with grapes but just staying hydrated that makes it seem like grape juice would help. Biologically, there’s nothing in any grape juice that kills viruses. If there was, it would be toxic to drink.
My children and I never get gastrointestinal viruses. Perhaps because I have everyone well trained to wash their hands thoroughly before eating. And they never eat school food nor share food at school.
Also, please remember that flu, or influenza, is a respiratory infection. Gastrointestinal viruses like noroviruses are not flu. It’s a bugaboo (pun intended) of mine to be exact about labeling viral infections.
Kathy, I am sorry that I refer to it as flu, but that is what I have always called it and I can’t pronounce those other words. 🙂 I am a hand washing Nazi myself and we drink a TON of water at our house. I appreciate your opinion, but due to my personal experiences with grape juice and avoiding throw-up sickness (see how I didn’t call it the flu there :))I think grape juice is miraculous. It may not have anything to do with killing the virus, but I think it fortifies our bodies and protects us from getting the virus somehow even when we have been exposed. It has super powers.
I wonder why you all get tummy bugs so much? Have you ever talked to your doc about this? Could it be some food handling practices might need changing? We literally never get tummy bugs in our house. Also I wonder if wine would work? For grown ups, of course.
Kathy we get a stomach bug about once every other year, I think it usually comes home from school through kids being exposed to other kids who have it. One year my son came home with a stain on his paints, I said, “what’s that?” He answered, “Oh, Nate threw up at the assembly today and some got on my pants.” AHHHHH, What? I almost died. We drank grape juice like crazy, and were able to avoid it that year, but last year I and one of my son’s got it. I like to blame that one on going to the gym, but you never know. I have heard that red wine also works, but haven’t tried it.
i am also afraid of throwing up. I always feel that I am going to die while I am doing it. Before I got medicine for my migraines, I spent so much time gagging and throwing up, that I avoid anyone who I think might have the stomach flu. I am going to get the grape juice and tell my family members about it too.
There is a great reason for adding the apple cider vinegar to the grape juice too… It’s a natural treatment used to lower cholesterol. 3tbsp juice plus 1tbsp vinegar, taken morning and night, can significantly lower bad cholesterol. Give it a try!
Had the stomach flu at 28
Weeks pregnant… Thought I was having a heart attack from the pain! Wound up having contractions, awful experience but got medical attention and both mom & baby were ok…thanks for the tip as I am scarred for life :)-
Nancy, that is terrible! With my last pregnancy I got it at about 14 weeks and was convinced I would die, Can’t even imagine having it in the third trimester.
The flu is a virus! It doesn’t care what is in your stomach, am I the only person reading this article with an education?
I have never been super technical with terms, so sorry if this post offended you. The point I wanted to get accross is that I am not sure how but somehow Grape Juice has miraculously fortified my family against getting the throw-up sickness even when we have been undoubtedly exposed. On more then one occasion and I thought it would be something other mothers would be interested in trying, because I am sure they hate cleaning up throw up as much as I do.
Actually.. There is a logical explanation for this as I am an emetaphobic and checking facts was necessary to help convince my anxious mind that this indeed would work for my family! Drinking the grape juice (100%, no sugar added) or red wine, and some other foods I’m sure nobody wants to read about place your body in an alkaline state. Bacteria or “bugs”‘so to speak can’t live and or strive in an acidic alkaline state created by the grape juice therefore causing the gastrointestinal protection. We have been doing the grape juice for about a year and knock on wood.. So far so good. My youngest daughter got sick with an awful bug awhile back, me and my husband drank the juice and miraculously we survived! He picks on me about it but I’ll try anything to avoid the stomach bug! I love reading all the success stories, gives me hope ☺️
Thanks for doing that research Crystal, good to know and totally makes sense.
You know, coming here and asserting your “education” in an effort to make others feel stupid or inferior is very unkind. In fact, the grape juice and ACV put your body in an alkaline state, and the virus won’t mutate in a host that’s alkaline. I’m surprised with your “education,” you couldn’t at least offer up the real science behind why it might work instead of just showing your ignorance and coming here with the attitude that you are a genius 😉
From what I’ve heard, the grape juice changes the pH in your intestinal track (where the virus attacks) to be more alkaline. Norovirus has a harder time replicating in an alkaline environment.
Whenever I hear the word “flu” I immediately develop anxiety…it’s my worst nightmare!!! I had it 2 years ago and was down for 6 days!!! (Even though I lost 7lbs it was the worst!!!) Thank you for this post…with two in public day care the thought is giving me anxiety now LOL!!! Hopefully I can get them to drink it!!!
I am right there with you Joclyn, I enjoy dropping a few pounds now and then, but I would rather run a marathon then throw-up. Good luck with the grape juice, I hope your kids will drink it.
I totally agree with you. The stomach bug is not air borne. ts all about washing your handing before touching your face or anything. I am 44 yrs old and I have had the stomach bug once in my life. My kids have never. !3 yr old and 6!! My kids wash thier hands the minute they come in the door and everythime they are gonna eat anything. You MUST wash your hands. It lives on surfaces for weeks. I never use any of those antibacterial crap stuff.
Wash the germ away!!!!!
The stomach bug is NOT the FLU!!! its the STOMACH BUG!!!! or STOMACH VIRUS. The only thing that kills the virus is BLEACH!! when someone is sick in your house you must bleach everything they touch, tolit, sink, door handle. whatever…..many people while sick do not wash their hands therefore spreads it like wild fire!!! I have many friends that are are lazy and feel the kids are gonna get it and why bother. very ignorant parents out there!!!
For crying out loud people. If a Mom wants to talk about what she believes helps her family avoid WHATEVER sickness she says and you don’t believe it, move along.
Yikes, some people appear highly offended by this post! The original post didn’t say anything about the grape juices and apple cider vinegar killing the virus! From what I’ve read, the idea is that both grape juice and ACC create a more alkaline wnvironment in the intestines that make it more difficult for the virus to replicate itself. So, the argument (whether you believe it or not) is that you are trying to create a more alkaline and less acidic environment in an effort for your body to be a bad host for the virus. I just came across this post while researching this tip that I heard from a friend, and will be going out today to get some grape juice to try to protect the rest of the house from the virus my 11 year old is currently infected with!
PHOBICS unite! Whatever works, it can’t hurt. Who wants to be sick and suffer.? You’d be crazy if you didn’t worry about it. BUT the amount of energy that Ive wasted in my life as a phobic has been a waste of my life. Hows that for some food for thought?
Hello! Great trick I must say. I was wondering, if a person in our house caught the stomach flu three days ago and is better now, how long should we continue with the grape juice?
I like to continue for a week or so, or if I know it is going around the community I continue longer.
I sure hope this helps! I about have a panic attack when someome in my family gets the stomach bug. Last night it was my hubby😣 My little girls (4 and 2) have been struggling with colds and horrible coughs anyway and now this! I’m also 13 weeks pregnant so we’re chugging grape juice! I also like to keep activated charcoal capsules on hand to prevent it, but my dr wasn’t sure if they were safe for me right now.
I can’t believe this is still getting comments. Let me be the first to comment in 2020.
It’s almost October and the season of the dreaded bug is once again approaching.
Fellow emetophobe here. I, like most of you avoid social gatherings as much as possible and wash my hands 50 times a day until they darn near bleed.
My wife and two kids did grape juice sporadically last year and managed to avoid vomiting. I’m hoping that’s what did the trick. I’ve been drinking a shot or so every day all year and will continue to do so.
Great post! I love you all. You’re like my brothers and sisters.
Feel free to contact me if you wanna be a support group for each other.
I’m John Teague. Look me up on Facebook. My two kids are at the top of my page in front of some mountains. That’s how you’ll know it’s me.
Thank you for showing people like us that we are not alone.
Hey Ano this is an older post just wanting to no has many of you had success with grape juice I’m petrified of this Sickness and wud love to keep us all free from it and do anything I mean my partner had. A bug on Monday evening me and my daughter have been at mummy’s since I don’t eat barley sleep just a walking nerve ball any1 that wud like to chat about success my Facebook page is melissa gamble profile pic is me and partner cover is my daughter
does this still work for you guys?
Yes, thankfully we haven’t been hit with the stomach flu in a while but we always use this to try and prevent when we know it’s going around.