I had a bit of a challenge for dinner tonight. We had some Sister Missionaries from our church over for dinner and I found out last night that one of them can not eat dairy or meat.
I was planing to make soup and rolls, but the soup I was going to make has cream and Parmesan cheese in it, so I had to change plans.
I still made rolls, but I made a veggie spaghetti sauce and a green salad instead of soup. We also had peach crisp for dessert.
I had to time things just right, because Thatchers Orthodontist appt. was at 4:00 (somebody got fitted for a Palate Expander today) and I knew I wouldn’t get back until 15 minutes before the Sister Missionaries would arrive. I did my best to make sure all the food was ready, except for the noodles, which I had to hurry and cooked when I got home. (I may or may not have left a huge mess in the kitchen that Sim got to clean up while I was gone.)
Around 2:00 this afternoon, me being able to get everything done was looking a little iffy. Trever was having a hard life and crying over almost everything and Charlotte, who was supposed to be napping, wasn’t going for it today.
Luckily, earlier in the week, I had a cute girl from up the street ask if she could come be a mothers helper this afternoon.
She saved me.
While she was here I was able to get the rolls done without my “special helper” taking over.
Instead my “Special Helper” got her fingernails painted and went for a walk with the sweet Mother’s helper. Where do I need to sign to hire her permanently?
My friend Trever wasn’t been an ornery mess ALL day, he was actually pretty darn adorable most of the morning.
He love, love, loves anything that has to do with cleaning, and is constantly getting out our brooms, and the vacuum. I also frequently catch him wiping walls with wipes. Too cute….although I can’t for the life of me figure out where he picked up this behavior, it definitely wasn’t from me.
I’m hoping the love for cleaning stays with him through the years.
If it does, maybe he’ll eventually clean off the piano for me…when he gets tall enough.
Lets just take a minute to appreciate all of the lovely things that have been sitting on top of my piano for weeks now….
Starting on the left: An army truck of Conner’s that he doesn’t want Trever to touch, which is on top of an X-box game, which is on top of some kind of magazine.
Next: You can’t see it very well because Thatcher is blocking it but there are four picture frames with my kids most recent pictures in them, stacked up waiting to be hung on a wall (you my have noticed they’re all bare, because I am the most indecisive person on the planet, especially when it comes to home decor) On top of the frames, we have two different types of fabric, I picked them out to make pillows for the couches and to recover chair cushions for two white wooden chairs I’m painting in the garage (I’ve been “painting” them for 5 weeks now)
Moving on: We have a vase of flowers I got at a friends funeral a week and a half ago, they remind me of her and I hope they never die. In front of the flowers, there’s a group of blocks that are a craft project I partially made at a church craft day a couple weeks ago. I just have one thing left to do (put the vinyl letters on) but I have a sneaking suspicion it may never happen…..Thatcher decided the wooden blocks looked similar to another wooden block craft we have so he put it on top of them. Cause that’s how we roll….
My personal favorite however, is probably the mess in the corner, millions of library books, back packs and who knows what else.
Would any of these things take more then 20 minutes to organize or put away?
No, they would not.
Trever should really get on that. He’s fired.
Keep it Real!
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