I love making these meal plans, it is so fun! I hope they are helping inspire you with your weekly meal planning. It’s definitely helping me get more excited about meal planning.
If you ended up making the Baked Pork Roast last week, you can use some of the leftover meat to make the easy casserole planned for Monday. Just toss the meat in some barbecue sauce. If you didn’t make the pork roast you can still make this recipe. Just use a cup or two of cooked chicken and toss it in your favorite bbq sauce.
On Tuesday double the Spaghetti Sauce recipe and freeze half of it to use in the Amazing Stuff Shells on Sunday. You can make the bread sticks I suggest or you can just use whatever bread you have on hand and spread garlic butter on it and broil it until it is nice and toasty. I usually serve some steamed veggies or a green salad with spaghetti. If you do make the bread sticks you can freeze half of them to eat with the Cabbage Roll Soup.
On Wednesday make enough rice with your lettuce wraps that you can save enough to make the Easy Ham Fried rice on Thursday. For may family of six I use about 6 cups of rice when I make the fired rice.
For Friday I chose a super simple and fun dinner. We like to do fun finger foods or pizza on Friday. These easy Broccoli Chicken taco’s are always a hit. I know it seems a little weird, but they are really tasty and kids like them. Put something in a tortilla and kids are at least 80% more likely to eat it. (I made that up, but in my experience it is true)
On Saturday I chose Cabbage Rolls soup. My mom almost always made a big pot of soup on Saturdays and I find myself doing that fairly often too. If you have an Instant Pot you can make this soup in it. If you made and saved half the bread sticks from Tuesday, you can serve them with this soup or you could just serve the soup with crackers.
Now for my favorite meal of the week. Guys these Stuffed Shells are THE BOMB! Use the leftover spaghetti sauce from Tuesday. You can pick up a loaf of french bread to serve with them or make the easy Artisan Bread I suggest.
And all the suggested desserts are delicious but I’m incredibly partial to the peanut butter fudge bars and Elinor’s Chocolate Dessert. If you make either of those, please call me and I will be right over.
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