If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
We had spaghetti for dinner and I totally forgot to take a picture…but look I took this picture of my cute baby today. What a day! Started out with preschool this morning for Charlotte, I was the helper. Well, at least I was supposed to be the helper. Trever didn’t fall asleep like he usually does so I don’t know how “helpful” I was, but I was another adult in the room…so that counts for something.
It was Jump Rope for Heart at school today and I had told the boys I would try and make it if their times were not during preschool. I called the school to check as soon as I got back from preschool. The secretary acted a little strange on the phone when I asked about the times that 1st and 3rd grade would be jumping.
We had missed Conner’s but Thatcher’s was at 1:40. It was almost noon and Trever hadn’t napped yet, but I decided I better try and go, so I put him down for a nap and then woke him up to leave about an hour and twenty minutes later.
When we got to the school the parking lot was pretty empty. This should’ve been my first clue. We walked in and were greeted with strange looks when we went to check in at the office.
Apparently things work a little differently at our new school with Jump Rope For Heart…Parents aren’t invited. Ooops.
At our old school it was a big deal and lots of parents would come watch the kids jump.
I felt a little sheepish, but it didn’t stop me from asking if I could at least go say hi to Thatch and give him a hug and take a picture.
He was pretty surprised to see us.
Charlotte didn’t want to leave (big surprise) so to avoid having to drag her out kicking and screaming I whispered in her ear that we could have some ice cream when we got home. Worked like a charm.
Right after we got in the car I got a call from our Realtor. (I think I mentioned a week or so ago that we are looking at houses.) We’re looking in a super small area so we can stay at this school, which means there are like 5 houses in our price range and they are all foreclosures. We put an offer on the one that was decent, but we were a day late, someone had already put an offer in the day before.
Well, today a new listing came up and he was calling to tell me about it. We went and looked at it a little bit later.
It’s a great house and we’re going to put an offer on it tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
After Sim got home form work, I got to go see my good friend Toni who is fighting breast cancer right now. It was so GREAT to see her. We love her family so much and we are so sad that they have to be going through such a hard thing right now. I took her some freezer meals.
Toni and her husband Mike have two adorable kids that are close to Thatcher and Charlotte’s ages. We were neighbors when we lived in NJ and they moved to MD about the same time we did. They live about 30 minutes from us so we don’t get to see them as often as we would like.
She was just diagnosed in December and has already had two surgeries and started chemo today.
I was so impressed with Toni tonight and her ability to see the good in her situation. And also her ability to be real about the struggle, heartache and anger that goes along with processing being diagnosed with Cancer. She is so inspiring and a super AMAZING person.
If you’re the praying type please send a couple extra up for Toni and her Family….and if you aren’t the praying type please send positive vibes and good juju their way.
Keep it Real!!!
Thank you so mich for all that yummy food…. The soup was delicious. My whole family appreciates your love and support. You are a wonderful friend!