Hoppy Easter from my three silly bunnies! Aren’t these cute cookie masks so fun! My friend made the cookies and I frosted them….with her expert guidance.
We picked the kids up early from school so we could make our yearly Easter trip to my sister’s house in Upstate New York.
It’s a six hour drive, which when you are 34 weeks pregnant, feels more like 26 hours, so it was super fun. I skipped putting Charlotte down for her nap thinking she would fall asleep when we started our drive. HA! No such luck!
She did finally fall asleep at 7:00 pm with an hour and a half of the trip left to go. Which translates to waking up grumpy but insistent about running and playing with cousins and then not being able to fall asleep…it’s 10:32 and she is still yelling out every five minutes.
Everything will look better in the morning.
We make the trip up here about three of four times a year, so we have it down to a science. We get gas and use the bathroom before we leave and don’t stop until we hit the halfway point where we stop at McDonalds and let the kids play on the play place for exactly ten minutes while I use the bathroom and order our food. Then before heading to the car the kids go to the bathroom and wash their hands, and we take off and don’t stop again until we get there.
Thatcher decided to throw a kink into that plan with two “emergency” bathroom stops. One to go pee pee on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Anyone passing by got a nice view of his rear end and then 10 minutes later he informed us he needed to go poo poo. Seriously! Luckily, we were just coming into a town and were able to stop at a McDonalds. Phewph!
We still stopped at our regular McDonalds and the kids had a great time using their 10 minutes to the fullest on the play place.
I won’t bore you with the rest of the grumpy two year old details of the trip, I’m sure you’ve all been there, but I will say that after today I am terrified of our cross country road trip coming up in June. The first thing Sim did when we got here was look up flight and rental van prices. 🙂
Keep it Real!!!
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