We had the sister missionaries (two young ladies spending 18 months doing service and teaching on behalf of our church) over for dinner tonight. Last time they came to dinner I promised them I would make Indian Food next time they came, so I made Chicken Tikka Masala and Naan Bread.
We also had some fresh fruit and ice cream cones for dessert.
Last night Thatcher had another reactive airway attack, it wasn’t as bad as the last one and even though my husband slept by him the rest of the night to make sure he was okay, I still couldn’t sleep well after that. For the rest of the night I was in and out. When I was asleep I was having the craziest dreams ever! One of which was that I had the baby and he turned out to be a big green worm/caterpillar thing….gotta love crazy pregnant dreams.
Since people were coming over for dinner I decided I better clean up a little, and by little I really mean a little. Didn’t even vacuum. The biggest cleanliness problem at my house right now is that anything in the house with a flat surface, piano, desk, bookcase, is completely covered with who knows what! Basically it’s all the stuff I’m too lazy to take up or down the stairs and millions of papers and random things the kids bring home from school.
I was trying to clear things off at least a little, because it really is embarrassing, and in doing so I found numerous things that prove I have a 7 year old boy that is obsessed with Minecraft.
My house is covered with stacks of drawings like this boat and other objects and buildings which he is planning to make on Minecraft just as soon as he gets an Xbox with Minecraft on it (appearantly he can’t build them on the iPad version we have.) Whatever, I don’t even understand Minecraft but his entire life revolves around it, and because his life does, his number one fan (Thatcher) is completely obsessed as well.
Conner comes home everyday with some sort of weapon or armour he has crafted at school, The latest were piled up on the armoire in the living room….two diamond swords and protective armour. I’m all about his creativity but he never wants to throw any of it away and I’m getting a little sick of everything EVERYWHERE!
Anywho, I did get things cleared off a bit in the living room at least, but the desk and piano are still out of control!
The other situation I have on a daily basis, is that Charlotte loves her daddy so much, she spends at least 6 of the 8 hours he is at work begging for him or crying “when Daddy home?” “Daddy park? ” “Daddy swimming?”…..Dad, why do you have to be so cool!?!?
Today was no different so by noon I had already answered the “when Daddy home?” question at least 200 times. She had already called him twice at work to ask if he would take her to the park down the street when he got home, and when she woke up from her nap the first thing she said was “Daddy Park.”
The weather was nice day all day until Dad got home and then of course it started raining a bit.I’m not sure who was more devastated, me or her, when he told her they couldn’t go to the park because it was raining. I really needed that little Char Char out of my hair and out of the kitchen while I finished dinner prep.
Luckily, Daddy remembered that Charlotte loves to “Dance on the ceiling,” so he improvised a little dance party instead of going to the park and he is probably going to kill me for posting these pics of him shaking his booty, but oh well, that’s Real Life.
Have a great night!
Keep it Real!!!
Ugh…what is it with boys and Minecraft? Yet another reason that we should be neighbors. And Sim is awesome! I want to dance on the ceiling, sounds like fun!
Seriously, my boys would love to play Minecraft with your boys! And Charlotte said she would be happy to dance on the ceiling with you anytime!