If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
My day started off in the absolute worst possible way…at least according to me and my life philosophy, which states, “Cleaning up Throw-up is the WORST thing in the world…especially when child not only doesn’t make it to the bathroom in time, but somehow manages to cover the entire hallway and EVERY inch of the bathroom with said throw-up.”
It was AWESOME! The baby was screaming for the entire 30 minutes it took me to clean it up. 3 towels, 1 bathroom rug, 2 hand towel, 5 washcloths and 1 can of Lysol later, I could finally pick up my sweet baby.
Conner, tried his best to comfort Trever while I cleaned up, but it wasn’t working. He told me later he said 3 prayers while I was cleaning. He prayed that the baby would calm down and that Thatcher wouldn’t throw up anymore. The baby did calm a little towards the end and Thatcher hasn’t thrown up again.
It makes me so happy that Conner’s first thought was to pray. I wish I could say that that was my first thought too, but the only thoughts I had were, “this sucks,” and “where’s dad” over and over again.
Charlotte had an Eye Doctor appointment today, and since she only keeps her glasses on about 50% of the time, they gave her some drops that we are supposed to put in her right eye every other day forcing her left eye to work harder and get stronger. We have to do it for three months…..we’ll see how it goes. Sim was home “sick” today (he is getting over a cold and technically could have gone today but decided to stay home to get some things done) he also took Charlotte to her appointment this morning and missed out on the throw-up fun, I knew I should have taken her myself.
I also had a special doctor appointment today. This may be TMI, but I got an IUD today. I have never had one before and was a bit nervous about it, but it seems to be fine.
My appointment was in the afternoon, and I had told my husband that after cleaning up such a huge amount of puke today, I didn’t feel like I should have to do any other household chores including making dinner. 🙂 My appointment also took forever so he ended up making Stir-fry for him and the kids and on my way home form the doctor’s office I picked up my favorite shredded beef bowl with extra pico de galo from Chipolte and ate it in my car in the parking lot. (I didn’t want to risk taking it home and having to share some with anyone.) It was soooo good! (I snapped that picture with my phone before I gobbled it up)
When I got home Sim informed me he took a picture of Thursday Night Dinner for me. How cute is that? He quickly added, “but it’s not very good.” What ev’s, It’s great, he even managed to get the barf bowl in it.
Thatcher was heart broken that he couldn’t go outside and play today. But getting to play games and watch movies on the iPad all day helped him get over the heart break pretty quickly.
Conner and the neighbor boys were outside ALL DAY. They spent a good portion of it in this fort they made out of patio furniture. I couldn’t resist coming out to snap a picture. They took my presence as the perfect opportunity to ask for a snack. Not just any snack, a snack that was 35% sugar, 20%salty, 45% cheesy and 50% sweet. All right-y then! If you know of a snack that meets that criteria please let me know.
I came back out with a little handful of candy for each of them.
They didn’t seem mind that it wasn’t 20% salty of 45% cheesy.
Keep it Real!!!
P.S. The picture at the top is some file folder organizational things I have been meaning to make for almost a year. I finally made them today. They have a place to put important papers and things that I want to save of the kids. I am so happy.
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