If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
Chips are a perfectly acceptable meal replacement…right? The kids and I started off our day with a tour of the Herr’s Potato Chip Factory. It was AWESOME! I’m not sure if it was the fresh hot chips, fresh of the press or the two huge bags of chips we brought home for school lunches…but my kids have asked me at least 14 times if we can go back tomorrow.
Some of our good friends live five minutes away from the potato chip factory so they joined us on our tour. It was sooo fun to see them.
I haven’t gone on many adventures with all four kids and just me as the token parent. In fact I have only done it one other time (early this week at a little beach that is near by) and that was only because one of my friends 12 year old daughter was going to be there and had agreed to chase Charlotte around for me.
I was a bit scared that this little outing could go down hill fast if Charlotte decided to pitch one her more impressive fits or if the baby was fussy, but to my surprise they were both awesome and it was such a fun morning.
This afternoon was the open house at the boys new elementary and they were VERY excited to go. They couldn’t wait to see their new classrooms. I’m not sure what I was thinking last week when I made myself an eye doctor appointment, but the open house was from 4-6 and I scheduled my appointment for 4:00. Oops….new mom brain strikes again. I ended up going to my eye appointment a little early and they were super nice to get me in and out quick. I got home with plenty of time to make it to the open house and meet their teachers.
So my eye doctor and I got to talking about food, imagine that, ice cream in particular….and he told me I just had to try the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup at Cold Stone. He said the quarts were on sale 2 for $10. I tried really really hard to tell myself I didn’t need it, but…..we live like less then two miles from a Cold Stone. Somehow tonight I ended up there and now I have a quart of Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup and a quart of Cake Batter Batter ice cream in my freezer……This baby weight ain’t goin’ nowhere!
All day today I kept telling myself I needed to figure out something to make for dinner. I knew the kids would be starving when we got home from the open house. I was about ready to just let the kids eat chips for dinner when I remembered I had two zucchini from the garden that needed to be used, so I threw together some quick Veggie spaghetti. Conner loved it and had thirds before Thatcher, who was WAY distracted tonight, finished his first helping. Thatcher was devastated that there were no more noodles left when he looked in the pan. He wanted some plain noodles with Parmesan cheese on top. What can I say buddy, “you snooze, you lose.”
Charlotte also loved the spaghetti and thank goodness we remembered to take her shirt off before she started eating…I really should have taken an after shot.
All in all today was pretty great. Only one or two fits from the Char Char, Thatcher only made me want to pull my hair out once and Conner (after dad showed him some disgusting bug pictures on the computer) said, “Now I see why you guys are always having us clean, it would be disgusting if things like those bed bugs got in our house. I’ll remember that next time I want to whine about it.”
What????? I am calling that a WIN and I think dad should show those pictures to Thatcher tomorrow too.
Keep it Real!!!
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