If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
Chicken Noodle soup and corn bread muffins for dinner.
One of the boys jobs is to set the table for dinner.
They fight over who gets to fill the water pitcher. Conner usually wins because he grabs it first….if the sink is too full of dirty dishes he has been known to fill it in the bathtub….yikes! Luckily I had just loaded the dishwasher tonight.
Thatcher did a great job making sure everyone had a muffin.
In other news: Charlotte is trying to transition out of taking naps, and I am not having it. Nap time is so important to me, I think I might die if she stops napping Today I put her down at 12:30 and she finally fell asleep at 2:45. I had to wake her up at 3:20 to go get the boys at school Needless to say these last two pictures sum up what the rest of my day looked like from that point on.
I’m going to bed now and I’m hoping tomorrow looks a whole lot “happier.”
Keep it Real!!!
I look forward to your Thursday posts- a tiny glimpse into your “real” life. 🙂
Thanks Laura! That made my day. There’s all kinds of “real life” going on over here. 🙂
Just came across your blog for the first time. What a breath of fresh air!!! I actually had to laugh out loud when I saw the pictures of your daughter because that’s what my day…make that week, has looked like! 🙂 I’m tired of all the picture perfect blog moms out there and appreciate that you are showing what life really looks like. I am making your Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas tonight and am anxiously waiting for them to be done. I will definitely be stopping by regularly to check out your blog and recipes. Thank you!