If you are new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what the heck’s going on around here. If you have been to this rodeo before, let’s get down to business.
First I just have to say “I AM ALIVE,” ever since Saturday I have felt alive again, the pregnancy nausea has significantly decreased and I couldn’t be happier. I feel sooooo much better!!!!
I am actually cooking again, kind of cooking up a storm actually…making up for lost time I guess.
Sunday I made Taco Salad with Catalina Dressing, Peanut Brittle and Andes Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake
Monday I made Chicken Tikka Masala and Naan Bread
Tuesday I made a recipe I’ve had kicking around in my head for a while, Pierogi Stuffed shells, it turned out great and I will post it soon. I also made some fabulous Knockoff Swig cookies.
Wednesday I didn’t really cook, but I did eat a foot-long steak and cheese Subway for lunch and it tasted soooooo good!
I AM SO HAPPY THAT FOOD TASTE GOOD AGAIN!!!! I was just about to give up hope.
Tonight I made some creamy chicken noodle soup and I made caramels earlier in the day….I just can’t stop cooking……
So I know you’re thinking….“Then why in the heck is there a picture of you eating a grilled chicken sandwich at McDonald’s?”…..hold your horses I am getting to that part.
Thatcher took his best buddy Ben on a birthday date tonight. He missed Ben’s birthday party a couple weeks ago when we were visiting my sister. Thatcher and Ben are special little friends and Thatcher was so bummed that he had to miss the party.
Benjamin doesn’t start kindergarten until next year, so with Thatcher in kindergarten plus the fact that we live across town from each other, we hardly ever get to play with Ben anymore.
Instead of just dropping off a present I decided it would be fun to take them to do something special. I arrange with Ben’s mom to pick him up and take them to a McDonald’s that has a play land.
Thatcher was looking forward to it all week, and thought it was so cool that he could take Ben on a Birthday Date. They had such a great time! I am sure Thatcher and Ben will remember it for a long time, much more then they would have remembered Thatcher dropping off a present.
I won’t forget the night either. Ben is hilarious! He loves elephants so he wore his elephant ears and kept telling me “Yes” in Hungarian and then he asked me how many languages I know. I said, “I just know English.” To which he answered, “Aw, English is an interesting language.” What a kid!
I probably wouldn’t have thought of doing this with them if I hadn’t seen this article, The Gift of Not Giving a Thing, on Facebook a couple months ago.
I am sure it won’t always be possible for us to do fun things like this with our kids and their good friends or cousins, but after tonight and seeing how much fun they had and how special they felt, I will make an effort when I can.
I hope you are all having a wonderful Thursday night!
Keep it Real!
Thanks for sharing that story. I’m going to try to remember that. Time spent together is much more meaningful than a gift.