If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
This Thursday Night Post is being brought to you on Friday Morning, because last night I didn’t get home until after 1:00 am.
Long story. Here’s the bathroom book edition:
At 9:00 pm I had an emergency girls night out with a friend who is smack dab in the middle of one of the toughest leap of faith experiences she has ever had. We went to Friday’s and had a great visit and ate lots of appetizers. Super fun! We lost track of time. We didn’t leave the restaurant until 1:00 am. When we walked out I took out my phone and saw that I had missed 23 calls. Twenty-three calls. I didn’t hear my phone ring once in the restaurant. Needless to say, Sim thought I was dead. He almost called the police.
I should have checked in. Unfortunately I didn’t even think about it. I thought he was asleep. Oops. Big Oops. He’s never been this mad at me. Ever, in our ten years of marriage. No kidding. He is SOOOO mad. He even slept on the couch last night. He’s never done that before.
I feel really bad. However, I’m not sure what else I can do besides continue to apologize and commit to check my phone at least ever hour whenever I am out. I hope he forgives me soon.
My new plan is to always keep my phone on the table when I go out with friends. Lesson Learned!
As for dinner and other happenings from last night. I did a leftover makeover with Pineapple Salsa Chicken leftovers. I made a casserole with quinoa, the Pineapple
salsa chicken and a healthy dose of cheese on top. The kids ate it with corn chips and I sliced up a couple oranges.
Charlotte is a big fan of oranges. Whenever I put out sliced oranges with dinner, her and Thatcher fight over who gets the most. Conner on the other hand has to be compelled to just suck the juice out of at least two.
I keep finding Thatcher outside with flip flops on. He’s killing me.
And in case you were wondering how you can tell if your child is probably going to grow up to be an engineer, all you have to do is send them on a hanger hunt. I asked Conner to go get me some hangers last night when I was finally hanging up some laundry that I did last weekend. He rigged up a sleeping bag in his closet on the shelf to hold up a Styrofoam sword so he could hang the hangers on it to carry them downstairs easier. And then when I went downstairs I found the sword like this (balanced across the clotheslines) in the laundry room. It’s a pretty sweet little set up.
I may not understand how that boys head works, but I sure love seeing his ideas come to life.
Keep it Real!!!
Aww, poor Sim. That must have been torture for him. I’m sure he’ll be fine by the time he gets home from work today, he’s too nice of a guy to stay mad at your forever. 🙂
That’s what I am hoping Kristal! 🙂