If you are new to Real Life Dinner, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what the heck’s going on around here. If you have been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
Tonight wasn’t a sit around the table and have dinner kind of night. I had a meeting to plan a fundraiser for the young women at church, and Conner’s soccer team had a family pizza party at a bouncy place.
Sim took the kids to the party and I went to my meeting, which was at the Wegman’s Cafe, and I grabbed some food while I was there. I had a slice of Pizza and a small nacho. Tasty!
I snapped this quick shot of the kids getting in the van to head to the party. I just realized Thatcher still had his bike helmet on. Safety first! I am also not sure why the GPS is in the picture. Speaking of bikes, Thatcher learned how to ride his bike without his training wheels this weekend and hasn’t wanted to do anything but ride his bike since.
Today was sooooo cold. The sun was shining but the wind was sooo cold, I could barely stand to walk from the house to the car. That little boy in the helmet insisted on going out and riding his bike after he did his homework. I thought he would be back in begging for some hot cocoa after a few minutes, but he stayed out there for almost an hour and a half.
I get a little bit of some serious anxiety when he wants to go out by himself, so I tell him he has to stay where I can see him. He disappeared for a minute today so I sent Conner out on his bike to find him. He had found his friend at the end of the street and they were playing catch with a football. Giving that boy some independence is killing me. He is getting so much better at communicating, but I just can’t relax when he is out of my site.
When he finally came in he was carrying this lovely bag and eating it’s contents. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? You might be addicted to sugar if you find a gross, old bag of candy that looks like it has been run over and buried in the last snow storm and you still think it would be a good idea to pick it up and start eating it. Well, at least he didn’t take it from a stranger…I’m pretty sure it was poisoned though.
I felt like I needed to have him swish with bleach. Apparently we need to have more talks about not eating food you find outside or on the ground…..makes me wonder what else he has eaten that I don’t know about. GROSS!!!!!!
Keep it Real!!!
Amy@Little Dairy on the Prairie
I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only Mom who can’t relax when the kiddos are out of sight! Sometimes I wish I could bubble wrap them and make them sit on the sofa all day. Not an option! It so hard letting go! Isn’t it so gross how boys will eat anything! Really…anything! My 13 year old dropped his treats on the ground at Disneyland and tried picking it up and eating it. Yuck! Glad I was there to stop him!
I am also glad I am not the only one who has a hard time cutting the umbilical cord. It has been especially hard for me with Thatcher because of his apraxia, but I know he needs to feel independent….so I’m trying. And yes, what is it with boys and no concern for grossness? 🙂