Charlotte has been a bit sad all day…as you can see by her face, even waiting for a quick picture and prayer before eating was more then she could handle today.
If my midwife wasn’t on my case about how much weight I’ve gained we totally would have ordered pizza or gone through a drive-thru tonight.
Instead, I threw together a quick Chicken Chili Casserole, it’s one of our families favorites, and some green beans. I had some leftover chili in the freezer that needed used up anyway.
I got started a little late and needed to saute the onions instead of leaving them raw so the casserole wouldn’t need to cook as long in the oven. As the onions started cooking they were turning a pinkish color and smelled slightly fruity. What?
I couldn’t figure out what was going on and then I realized I probably hadn’t used that pan since I made the topping for this Raspberry Shortcake Dessert.
The boys have started doing the dishes and I have a feeling it probably hadn’t gotten a thorough enough wash….kind of grossed me out but I was too lazy to chop another onion and start over. I went with it and luckily you couldn’t even tell in the casserole.
Eating pink, raspberry infused onions is just one sign that I have completely crossed over into survival mode. There are many more. I compiled a list….
Top Ten Sign’s Maria is functioning in Survival Mode:
(I wish I had picture of each of these but you are just going to have to use your imagination)
- The main reason I still go to the gym 3-4 days a week is so I can put Charlotte in the stay and play (day care area) for an hour or so….
- 90% of the time when I take Charlotte to the stay and play at the gym, she is still in her pajama’s.
- The small couch in the basement is NEVER clear of laundry needing to be folded and put away.
- My bed is NEVER made until my husband makes it right before we go to bed.
- I only clean my house (and by clean I mean straighten up) if I know someone is coming over.
- When I bend down to pick something up off the floor, and I see other things near by, I get on my hands and knees and crawl around to them so I won’t have to bend over repeated times.
- I have started letting my husband do most of the grocery shopping…this is serious, I actually normally really like grocery shopping.
- Instead of doing what I need to do after the kids go to bed, I sit in my favorite chair and watch shows on Netflix. I’ve watched so many I’m running out of things that are worth watching.
- I may or may not only shower an average of twice a week right now.
- I am considering getting a dog, just so I won’t have to sweep under the table anymore. (If you know me, you will understand why this is a sure sign that I am in survival mode)
Pregnancy has never been a strong suit for me, but I feel a bit like I am drowning this time….I literally only do what I have to do and comfort myself with food and Netflix the rest of the time…I occasionally have flashes of the capable person I was 7 months ago and think, Wow! Was that me? How did I ever have enough energy to do that.
It will come back right?….right???
Keep it Real!!!
Sounds like I’ve been in survival mode for years now! By the way, I wanted to tell you I’m proud of you for going to the gym. I know that most days it’s a workout just to get there.
haha! Energy is over rated right…and thanks for the pat on the back! It is a workout just getting there…:)
Hilary Stephenson
It will totally come back! I remember thinking the same thing the last month (or 3) of this last pregnancy. I seriously had to lay on my bed for a good 5-10 minutes every time I walked up the stairs because i would get so out of breath haha now walking up the stairs is easy again! I may be sleep deprived but at least I can put my shoes on and vacuum without getting short of breath! Loved this list! You are hilarious Maria! Miss you! Hang in there cute girl!
Thanks for the encouragement! ….stairs….I hate my stairs! They are my number 1 enemy right now! 🙂 I may end up living on the main level the last few weeks at this rate. Miss you too! Hope your sweet new baby is doing well! You have the cutest girlies!
I love this post so much, because I’m mostly right there too. The crawling around on hands and knees to pick things up instead of bending over–that’s me exactly, every day! Hopefully, it will get back to normalish later, right?
Oh the joys of the third trimester. 🙂 I still have 9 weeks left and I am terrified of what “mode” I will be in at that point if I am already this far into survival mode….but we will make it through and even if the energy doesn’t come back at least we will be able to bend over, right? 🙂