If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.Today is my oldest son Conner’s birthday! Not just any birthday…his Magic Birthday! He has been so excited for weeks and is convinced that this is the best possible birthday anyone could ever have. These are the reason’s why, according to him: (in no particular order)
- There is a school field trip on his birthday
- It’s his magic birthday
- He gets to get baptized at church
- He gets to start scouts
- He’s mom is letting him have a little birthday party even though she is really pregnant and tired (yes, that is what he told grandma)
- For part of his birthday party he and his friends (I only let him pick three to invite) get to go watch the Lego Movie at the school movie night….which means they get to stay up really late.
- He is finally going to get Minecraft on the xbox (We caved and bought a used Xbox….I have a feeling we will regret this)
- He gets to get his own set of nice scriptures
- He might get a Minecraft diamond sword…(he would say might because he kept telling us he only cared about getting Minecraft on the Xbox, but if it was possible he would also really like his own diamond sword.)
- He gets to have his favorite dinner, Chimichangas.
Sounds like the best 8th birthday ever, right. He had a great day today even though I had way to much fun teasing him that none of the presents looked like they were the shape of an Xbox. (Sim had set it up downstairs last night and he didn’t know) He was almost in tears at one point so I had to stop.
He did get his favorite dinner, even though I tried like mad to convince him it would be so much fun to go to a Mexican Restaurant to get a chimichanga. (I am so lazy and tired right now, the last thing I want to do is make an involved meal like Chimichangas. I was really hoping he would jump all over the chance to eat at a restaurant) No such luck, he really likes my Chimichangas.
And don’t you worry, he did get his very own diamond sword…Stupidest thing I have ever spent $28.00 on. It’s just a big piece of painted foam.
He also got a $5.00 bow and arrow set that is actually pretty freaking cool….way cooler then the diamond sword. He was pretty excited about both of them
He didn’t even get to play Xbox tonight, because we were missing something we needed when we set it up. Sim ran out to get it after the kids were in bed and I told Conner he can wake up a little early and play for twenty or thirty minutes before school. JUST TOMORROW THOUGH!
The birthday was a pretty exciting part of our day, but Charlotte and I started off our day at the pediatric eye doctor. Turns out Charlotte definitely needs glasses, her left eye is slightly crossed and they are hoping they can correct it with glasses, but we may have to do patching. We are going to try the glasses for three months.
Can I just tell you what a nightmare glasses are going to be on that child. I am totally dreading it already. If how things went trying them on to order them is any indication of how easy it will be to get her to wear them….kill me now! We picked out the Miraflex frames so at least she won’t be able to break them. She is getting dark purple frames like in the picture but with round lenses.
The other exciting part of our day was that Thatçher’s baby book, I finally finished it, came in the mail today. He was so excited. He couldn’t stop smiling while he was looking at it and looked at it over and over again. Totally made the late night hours of searching through files from the old computer worth it.
I meant to take a pregnant shot tonight for all of you to enjoy! HA! But I totally forgot. I will do that next week. I did however get a head shot (I refuse to call it a selfie) of my birthday boy and his “really pregnant mom, that is letting him have a little birthday party” before he headed off to bed. Love that boy!
Keep it Real!!!
Aahhhh miss your family! Happy birthday to cute Conner!! He is the luckiest boy to have a mom like you on his magical birthday! Can you fedex me some of those chimichangas??? 😛
Happy Birthday Conner! Charlotte will look so cute with glasses. I can’t wait to see her. I am now craving Chimichangas but I hate making them. May be a good date night dinner. 🙂
I will never forget that day eight years ago. Gee, now I’m getting all choked up. Happy birthday, Conner!
I can’t wait to see pictures of little miss in her glasses…that is if she’ll wear them. ;). Good luck with that.