If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
I made stuffed pepper soup for dinner tonight. I wasn’t intending to, but after a friend had mentioned it on Facebook this morning, I had it on the brain. Later today day when the weather turned freezing cold and wet I remembered I had peppers in the fridge I needed to use up anyway, so it was on.
I started the soup right when we got back from picking up the big boys at school. Trever was still acting content in his car seat so I tried to get everything chopped up before he realized I wasn’t holding him. Charlotte took advantage of the situation and found an iPad to entertain herself with while I was busy.
While I was cooking Conner came downstairs with a big smile and these two papers. He had been awarded at the assembly today and was given a special gift certificate for a kids meal at Applebee’s. I was so excited for him. And I was so happy to see the very obvious boost to his self-esteem. He wanted to know if we could go tonight so being the selfless (HA!) person I am I volunteered to take him and leave dad home with the other three and the stuffed pepper soup.
The soup was so yummy though I had to have a small bowl myself before we left.
At Applebee’s Conner chose Fried Shrimp and Mozzarella sticks for his meal and I got a Oriental Chicken Salad. YUM!
Conner is so funny. While we were waiting for our food, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out an apple. “Look mom, I brought an apple to Applebee’s. Do you want a piece?” He then proceeded to cut it into pieces….not very discreetly I might add. It was slightly embarrassing, but he was so proud of himself I couldn’t bring myself to stop him.
In other news, I taught Charlotte’s little preschool group at our house today. I just love them, they are the cutest little two year olds and so funny. We learned about colors today, so I thought it would be fun to use fruit loops and pipe cleaners and make bracelets.
It was fun and apparently super delicious. Only one bracelet made it off the table….and it wasn’t Charlotte’s, she had that thing devoured in .2 seconds.
The other excitement of the day has to do with the blog…….today I’ve had the most hits/views, whatever you want to call them, that I’ve ever had….the most by A LOT!
I usually get around 4,000 views a day, but for the last three days the numbers have been climbing dramatically and as of a little bit ago I already have over 17,000 today. WHAT?????
It is all because of my Lunch Lady Cafeteria Rolls Recipe. I know it won’t last and it’s probably just because people are looking up roll recipes for Thanksgiving. but………it’s still SO EXCITING!
It makes me wonder if some bigger blogger pinned it or posted it or something to get it rolling like this. I can’t figure out where all the traffic to that recipe started from. I wish I could so I could tell whoever started it THANK YOU. I’ll just have to send happy thoughts in their direction and hope some good karma comes back to them.
Keep it Real!!!
Holy cow, that’s a lot of views! Awesome, Maria!!!