If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
Conner and I had a great dinner tonight, as for everyone else…….
Dad had taken Charlotte and Thatcher out for little dates earlier in the week, so tonight was my turn to take Conner on a date. I don’t normally take him to places nicer then McDonald’s or maybe Noodles and Company. but….he is a shrimp LOVER and with Endless Shrimp happening at Red Lobster, I just had to take him there.
He loved it. I’m not going to lie, I kinda felt like supermom.
I left Sim to fend for himself and the other children for dinner. This is what he came up with. He said he had some eggs and toast, but this is what he gave the kids and he let them eat it downstairs on a blanket while they watched a movie.
I couldn’t figure out why he chose such a strange combination of things to give them, but as I am typing this I realize it was because he wanted them to be able to eat everything with their fingers.
The kids don’t have school tomorrow and the PTA threw a Halloween Ice Cream Social tonight, so as soon as Conner and I got back from Red Lobster, we threw costumes on the kids and headed over to the school.
Conner and Thatcher were both Characters form Clash of Clans……Clash of Clans, Clash of Clans, Clash of Clans. We have gone from nonstop chatter about Minecraft at our house to nonstop chatter about Clash of Clans. I was not surprised when he announced he wanted to be a Clash of Clans Wizard. Thatcher just wants to do everything Conner does so he decided to be a different character form clash of Clans, he’s a Wall Breaker (whatever that is.)
The kids had a great time playing and dancing in the gym and eating their ice cream. The Costume Contest left them both a bit sad, seeings how they were both absolutely convinced they had the best costumes ever and can’t figure out why they didn’t win.
Charlotte had fun too, but there were a few costumes that really scared her. Which translates to, Dad, who was already caring Trever in the front pack, was sporting a scared little Cinderella girl for half the night too.
Conner was killing me all night, it was like the costume had taken him over.
And Thatcher, from the moment he hit the gym floor was dancing the night away.
As if on que our Cinderella turned into a sad, melting down pumpkin when the clock struck bedtime, so we had to get out of there quick. Good times!
Keep it Real!!!
How did you make the wizard costume? I’m trying to get the blue hooded jacket. Thanks.
HA! I found an old blue table cloth at goodwill and some brown pants and a brown shirt. I basically just very amaturely sewed a hood onto a square/rectangle piece of the fabric and somehow made it into a jacket…it was pretty ghetto but it worked for the day. I put gold tinfoil over one of my large belts buckle for the belt and the used mascara to paint his face. 😉 good luck!