If you’re new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what’s going on. If you’ve been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
My family ate dinner without me tonight. I had a late doctor’s appointment and then ran to the store to do a big, stock-up, shopping trip. The kiddo’s all stayed home with dad. It was like a mini-vacation.
This is what I came home to. I had prepped the chicken and vegetables and even put the rice in the rice cooker so Sim could quickly throw together some stir-fry in my absence. I was so hungry by the time I got home, I could have eaten my shoe, that scary looking mess on my plate tasted like heaven!
I was the helper at preschool this morning, Charlotte LOVES preschool and gets so excited to go every Thursday. That girl is a social child and lives for opportunities to be with friends or basically anyone who isn’t her boring mama.
Trever has been being a bit naughty about naps and hasn’t had a decent one (one longer then 30-45 minutes) for a couple days now, not sure whats going on with him….
Anywho, every time I tried to lay him down in his crib today he would wake up within 15 or 20 minutes. So when Charlotte went down for nap and he ate and fell asleep, I decided to try not moving him very much and just laid him down on the blanket Charlotte had left out on the living room floor. Miraculously he slept for an hour and 10 minutes.
I used that glorious hour to eat a really big salad and watch Netflix. I kept feeling a little guilty about not doing something productive, but reminded myself there would be plenty of time to be productive when the children are all grown and out of the house.
Thatcher adores his baby brother…a little too much sometimes….tonight he was all about playing “patty-cake” and “if your happy and you know it” It was pretty cute until he made a verse called “if you are happy and you know it, pinch your cheeks.” Trever wasn’t a big fan of that verse.
Conner has started taking piano lessons and everyone in the whole family is pretty excited about it. Thatcher and Charlotte are always hovering nearby while he practices and then they usually fight over who can play when Conner is finished practicing. Tonight was no different.
Thatcher ended up in timeout for pushing his sister off the piano bench.
And then the craziest thing happened.
Conner in a really sweet sincere voice asked Charlotte if she wanted him to teach her how to play the song. I almost passed out and died. He is either really growing up or he just wanted to smite his brother who was peeking around the corner from time out.
Good times!
Keep it Real!!!
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