If you are new here, read my first What’s for Dinner post to get filled in on what the heck’s going on around here. If you have been to this rodeo before, let’s get to business.
WOW! I don’t even know where to start! Today has been interesting to say the least.
I guess I will start with what we had for dinner and then fill you in on the other events that made today special!
This super fancy meal was dinner tonight. Any guesses as to what that lump of mess is? Who said Baked Potato? 10 points to you!We had a baked potato bar night. At 3:30 this afternoon, I realized I had no other plans and needed to leave in 30 minutes to go meet a friend at a park. She was kind enough to keep an eye on my crazy 20 month old while I tried to take some decent pictures of the boys. I am too cheap to pay $40, each, for their school pictures. I threw a bunch of potatoes in the oven turned it on and called it good.
Okay, on to the rest of the day……
- Went to Thatcher’s Speech Therapy Session and talked with his Therapist about how things are going
- Taught a little mommy and me movement and music class with Charlotte and 7 of her friends
- Tried to attack the insane amount of laundry I have been avoiding
- Ate half my body weight in Peanut Butter Cup Bars left over from book club last night and some toffee chocolate bars a friend brought me this morning.
- Had a mysterious package at the door…
- Got kids off the bus, thought I smelled poop….
- Got home, started homework, smelled poop again
- Checked Thatcher’s underwear….full of poop! WHAT THE HECK?????
- From what I could understand, he said it happened during center time because he didn’t tell his teacher. I said why didn’t you tell your teacher you needed to go? He said because she was helping other people. Sad. He cried and cried. We had a little talk about it being okay to just go if it is an emergency, and I e-mailed the teacher.
- Cleaned him up, got boys in nice shirts, went to park to take pictures and meet friend
- Five minutes in at the park Thatcher says he needs to poop. Run with Thatcher and Conner into the Library (did I mention the park is at the library)
- Take both boys into the women’s bathroom and shuffle them into the handicap stall. Keep in mind there was a women washing her hands when we walked in.
- Women who had been washing her hands, as she is walking out of the bathroom, shouts at me in a very irritated voice…”Your boys are plenty old enough to use the men’s room!”
- Once I realized what she had said, I was furious! I left the boys in the stall and ran to the door to see if I could catch her.
- Lucky for her she was gone and I didn’t even really notice what she looked like. So I couldn’t go hunt her down. Seriously though, who says that?!!
- Got home finished preparing dinner
- Ate dinner
- Cleaned up with two extra whiny children who just wanted to watch a show, “We haven’t even watched any shows for two days.” Waaahhhh!
- Husband read to boys and did their night time routine while I put Charlotte down and then he went to play basketball.
- Told myself I should really do a couple more loads of laundry or at least fold the one in the dryer
- Sat down to write this post. 🙂
As you can see it has been an interesting day!
In case you thought I was kidding about the laundry…..
It has been one of those weeks where every morning I am downstairs, going through the giant mound of laundry on the couch that hasn’t been folded, trying to find clean socks for the boys to wear to school. Please tell me I am not the only one who has those kind of weeks.
As for the library incident…..I am trying not to be so bugged by the mean ladies comment, but it really ticked me off. I know she has know idea that Thatcher has a disability or that he had pooped his pants at school today, But I still kind of want to give her a piece of my mind or at least punch her in the face. (Did I really just type that?)
On a less violent note…..I did have a great surprise from my husband today, which totally NEVER happens. I love him to death but he is the LEAST spontaneous person on the planet.
Remember the mysterious package. It was a food mill so I can make applesauce this year without having to borrow one. I am soooo excited!
So are the boys. They enjoyed trying to figure out how to put it together!
Keep it real!
Oooo! I want one too! I mean the squeezo strainer. I can’t believe that lady!! Wow! Maybe she was from NJ. 😉
It is sort of sad how excited I was to get the strainer. I am glad you understand how cool they are. 🙂 as for the bathroom monitor…..I think you are right. She must be from NJ! 🙂