I had really good intentions today of turning some leftover pork roast I made a couple days ago into some awesome Taquito’s. It didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow. We ended up having quesadillas with bean dip and fruit salad.
The sun was out and I decided that instead of making delicious taquitos I would rather wait in a long line at Rita’s for my free ice and go to the park with the kids. I must have been feeling nice (or crazy), because one of my least favorite places EVER is the park. I know, I know that is sad, but I really can’t understand how anyone with a busy toddler, and a baby in their belly could ever actually enjoy going to the park. Every second is like torture…but somehow it didn’t seem that bad today…must be first day of spring magic or something.
The Rita’s and the time and the park seemed to put everyone in a pretty happy mood. Which was good because the morning had a rough start with way to many reminders of what two little boys needed to do next to be ready for the bus. There has got to be a better way, unless my expectation is just too high.
I decided to test them tonight. Each night after dinner we have what we call “neat and clean” and “dishes.” Every week the boys switch responsibilities and Sim and I help and supervise one of the boys with their job. Whoever has “neat and clean” is in charge of picking up the living room and computer/play room area, and whoever has dishes is in charge of doing the dishes and wiping the table and counters. Before we started our jobs tonight I told the boys that I was going to watch them closely and if they worked hard and got their jobs done without any reminders I would give them two pom poms for their reward jar (they are trying to fill it so they can go to the aquarium.) Ialso told them if I had to give them one reminder they wouldn’t get any pom poms and if I had to give them more then one reminder I would take two pom poms out of the jar for each boy.
It was like a miracle. they worked very well and I even heard Conner in the living room talking to himself when he started playing with something he was supposed to be putting away, “What am I doing, I need to stay focused?” Ha! Yeah! Maybe I just need to make my expectation clearer from the get-go each morning. Do any of you have tricks that work for your family? I would love to hear them if you do.
Here’s hoping tomorrow goes a bit smoother…..I would hate to have to carry out the threat of making them walk to school….even though the school is only about 2/3 of a mile away, I would die of anxiety and have to creep behind them in the car to make sure they got there safely.
Speaking of safety here is my bike riding addict who only needed THREE reminders to put his helmet on before he went out today……..
Keep it Real!!!
Is that a bottle of Sriracha next to Thatcher?? LOL!
Haha! Yes, that boy was born in the south and he likes his hot sauce! 🙂 Actually, Sim is the one who really likes it, but Thatcher likes to have a little taste on his food too.